Employment Status: 3.02


Title: EMPLOYMENT STATUS Identification: 3.02

Effective Date: 04/14/21


FS 1001.64; 1001.65

HCC Rule 6HX-10-3.09

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This procedure establishes guidelines for defining employment status. It supplements those set forth in the collective bargaining unit agreements for FUSA and SEIU to the extent there is no conflict.



A. All positions at the College are designated by type:

  • Full-time Regular (FTR)
  • Full-time Temporary with benefits (FTT)
  • Full-time Temporary Provisional (FTTP)
  • Full-time Temporary Seasonal without Benefits (FTTS)
  • Part-time Regular (PTR)
  • Part-time Temporary (PTT)
  • Part-time Student Assistant (PTSA)
  • Part-time College Work study Program (PTCW)

B. While an employee may be assigned to more than one position at a time, one position is always designated as the primary position and is the controlling factor in determining an employee's status.

C. Employees appointed to a full-time temporary or part-time temporary primary position will have a temporary status. Employees appointed to a full-time regular primary position may be appointed in either a regular or temporary status.

D. Compensation and benefits are largely determined by the employment status. (Benefits, in the context of this procedure, include primarily leave accrual, group health and dental insurance plan participation, and retirement plan eligibility).

E. Human Resources will determine the appropriate position type and applicable benefits at the time the position is approved.


A. Full-time Employees—All administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees appointed to a full-time regular or full-time temporary position are entitled to receive compensation and benefits approved by the Board of Trustees and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

  1. Full-time Regular—A full-time regular status is one that continues from pay period to pay period, lasts for an indefinite duration (more than one year) and involves working 37.5 or more hours each week.
  2. Full-time Temporary with Benefits—A full-time temporary with benefits status is one that lasts for a limited period, generally for duration of one year or less, or one with employment that is intermittent, irregular and involves working 37.5 or more hours each week
  3. Full-time Temporary Provisional—A full-time temporary provisional status is one that is assigned to a Grant and/or in a self-supporting program on a full-time temporary basis. The duration is not expected to last for an indefinite duration.
  4. Full-time Temporary Seasonal without Benefits—A full-time temporary seasonal status is work that recurs throughout a 12-month period, but the total number of days work does not exceed 120 days in duration during any consecutive 12-month period.

B. Part-time Regular Status—Administrators, professional/managerial, and classified employees appointed to part-time positions on a regular basis must not work more than 29 hours per week. They are entitled to receive compensation approved by the Board of Trustees but are not entitled to receive benefits. In instances where it is absolutely necessary due to unforeseen circumstances or when emergencies occur; hours worked above 29 hours per week must be pre-approved by the supervisor.

C. Part-time Temporary Status

  1. Adjunct faculty assigned to part-time temporary positions on a temporary term-by-term basis. They are entitled to receive compensation approved by the Board of Trustees but are not entitled to receive benefits.
  2. Student assistants and College Work Study Program students are assigned to part- time temporary positions on a temporary term-by-term basis and may work up to 20 hours per week. They are entitled to receive compensation approved by the Board of Trustees but are not entitled to receive benefits.

D. Leave of Absence Status

  1. Workers' Compensation—For an explanation of benefits and leave accrual for administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees who are on Workers' Compensation leave see appropriate administrative procedures.
  2. Family and Medical Leave Medical Act (FMLA)—For an explanation of benefits and leave accrual for administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees who are on Family and Medical Leave see administrative procedure.
  3. Sabbatical—Full-time administrators, faculty, and professional/managerial who are on an approved sabbatical leave of absence are authorized pay at 75% and entitled to receive benefits.
  4. Medical—Full-time administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees absent because of an approved medical condition are entitled to receive benefits.
  5. Personal—Full-time administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees who have requested and had approved personal leave are entitled to receive benefits.
  6. Active Military Duty—Full-time administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees called to active duty military service are entitled to receive benefits. See appropriate administrative procedure.
  7. Leave of Absence, No Pay—Full-time administrators, faculty, professional/managerial, and classified employees who are absent from work, on approved leave for reasons other than personal, have exhausted all available accrued leave, and are drawing no regular pay are not entitled to accrue leave but may receive benefits for up to 12 months.

    When any employee begins or ends a leave of absence status, the unit administrator/manager will report this to Human Resources using the appropriate Human Resources Action Request (HRAR) form.

E. Retired/Separated—Upon separation or retirement, full-time administrators, faculty, professional/ managerial, and classified employees will be separated from employment. They are not entitled to receive any pay or college paid benefits.


The unit administrator/manager will appoint employees to positions using HRAR forms, and, for those being appointed to full-time positions, determine and report the appropriate status for the employee based on this procedure.


Adopted: 07/24/87; Revised: 03/21/88, 09/12/88, 04/14/89, 10/08/91, 08/08/94, 07/01/07, 07/01/13; Formerly: 2.002, 2.024