Solicitation And Distribution Of Materials: 6HX-10-2.09



Identification: 6HX-10-2.09

Effective Date: February 22, 2017


FS 1001.64; 1001.65

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This rule establishes College policy for the solicitation and distribution of materials at Hillsborough Community College (HCC).


Hillsborough Community College will permit the solicitation and distribution of materials and use of designated bulletin boards by employees, students and other non-College related personnel with prior authorization. The College may impose reasonable restrictions on the solicitation, distribution of materials and use of bulletin boards.

The distribution of printed material, which is defined in this rule as newspapers, handbills, leaflets, pamphlets, posters, magazines and printed paper(s) of any kind will only be permitted on campus and at College sites at reasonable times, places and in reasonable manners consistent with the educational mission of the College; the uninterrupted orderly operation of College programs, classes and studies of faculty, staff and students; the safety of students, faculty and staff and the protection of the property of the College, its students, faculty and staff. The Board prohibits the posting, distributing, stacking or placement in rack of any commercial material or advertisements. Additionally, no material of any kind may be placed on automobile/vehicle windshields.

External organizations are authorized to solicit and/or sell goods and services only through formal written contractual relationships or through authorized vendors. Other non-commercial speech activities are permitted in outside campus locations open to the general public, exclusive of sidewalks, building entrances or other areas where normal traffic may be obstructed.

The President will maintain a procedure concerning solicitation and distribution of materials.


Revised: 6/15/88, 5/15/02; 2/1/06; Formerly: 6HX-10-1.003