Dual Enrollment Petition

The petition portal for Fall 2024 classes will be open from Friday, June 14 through Monday, July 8 at 8:00 am. To be eligible for this petition period, you must have already submitted you Fall 2024 registration paperwork by the May 17 deadline. 

Petition Criteria:

1. Dual Enrollment students who do not earn a passing grade of C or above or receive a W or WN in their courses may petition to retake one course (if the course has a co-requisite lab, it can be included)

2. Dual Enrollment students who drop below the HCC required GPA of 2.0 may petition to be reinstated into the Dual Enrollment Program and must retake a course as part of the reinstatement,

In order to submit a petition, students must still have an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 (or an unweighted GPA of 3.5 for Early Admissions).