Applying for Accommodations

If you are a current, incoming or prospective student with a disability who is seeking academic adjustments or any other services, you must complete the following steps with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD):

  •  self-identify

  •  provide appropriate documentation of your disability

All disability documentation must be on letterhead and signed by the professional completing the paperwork. We treat all information you provide with strict confidentiality.

Academic adjustment requests can take up to five (5) business days to be processed, so we strongly encourage you to begin this process prior to the start of registration for the semester you plan to attend. Last-minute requests are not guaranteed.

Academic adjustments must be requested each term. Please contact your campus OSSD for more information. You may also complete the Intake Form prior to meeting with us and email all completed forms and documentation to your campus OSSD.

Disability Services Online Portal (AIM)

Accessible Information Management (AIM) is an online accommodation management portal for Students with Disabilities. This portal gives students autonomy over their course-specific academic accommodations. The system protects the confidential records and information uploaded by the students. Most importantly, the system allows students, instructors, and OSSD staff to have a clear and direct path for regular communication.

New Students

If you are a new student who has never registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD), start here. To receive academic accommodations, students must complete the following registration process:

  • Complete the Disability Services Application
  • Submit professional documentation for the disability, and
  • Attend an Intake Meeting (face-to-face or virtual) with an OSSD Coordinator

Disability Services Application

Returning Students

If you are a returning student, you can access AIM to view your current accommodations, print or request your faculty notification letters, schedule a test or exam, and other available services. 

Returning Students Login

Connect with OSSD 


OSSD representatives are available on a walk-in basis at all of our campuses, and wait times are currently short!


Phone and Virtual (Microsoft Teams) appointments are available. Click below to schedule your appointment. 



Note: During peak registration (August, January, and May) a limited number of appointments may be available.