Strategic Plan
The Biennial Planning Process calls for a strategic plan consisting of mission and vision statements as well as college goals to establish direction for the institution and a report of college performance. All elements of the strategic plan are approved by the chief governing entity of the college—the Board of Trustees.
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Goals & Strategic Initiatives
Goals adopted by the Board of Trustees on October 30, 2024..
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Goal 1
Student Success
Advance achievement of learning outcomes and educational goals for all students.
- Implement a college‐wide early alert system to increase student retention and graduation.
- Increase the fall to fall retention rate of college credit students to 55%.
- Increase the college completion rate to 47%.
- Increase the percentage of transfers holding an HCC associate degree to 25%.
- Associate in Arts degree completers transferring to SUS will have a GPA equal to or greater than all FCS transfers.
- Achieve or exceed an 85% first‐time pass rate for any individual licensure or certification exam.
- Exceed 95% of all workforce graduates that are employed or continuing their education within one year of completion.
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Goal 2
Talent Development
Foster partnerships that position all programs as catalysts for regional economic impact.
- Contribute to the increase in educational attainment in Hillsborough County of those holding a postsecondary credential to 60% of the working age population by 2025.
- Develop and implement the Associate in Science degree in Financial Technologies (i.e. FinTech) no later than 2027.
- Expand public‐private funding partnerships to support programmatic delivery.
- Continue to improve the comprehensive marketing strategy.
- Implement the Academic Master Plan.
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Goal 3
Continuous Improvement
Continuously improve programs and services through a systematic and ongoing process of strategic planning, assessment and evaluation in which a “culture of evidence” guides our direction.
- Develop a framework formally aligning tactical planning, unit budget, and employee performance appraisals toward achievement of goals and initiatives in the Strategic Plan.
- Successfully complete the 2027 Reaffirmation process with SACSCOC.
- Complete implementation of the Workday ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning Software).