Logo of HCC Life - Linking in fellowship and education

Our goal is to make higher education more accessible and successful for the members of our community. HCC LIFE - is an initiative designed to partner Hillsborough County faith communities with educational opportunities at HCC through a variety of presentations and workshops.

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HCC LIFE Resources

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Student and staff member standing and smiling.

College Success Programs

Learn helpful tips on how to transition into a College Environment. 

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Personal Development Workshops

Dig deeper into how we interact and communicate with each other as we work to achieve our goals.

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Financing College Workshops

Shed light on the often complicated process of applying for financial aid and scholarships.

Recent Events

Contact Us 

If you have an upcoming event that ties into higher education, the HCC LIFE team is available to set up a booth/table and distribute HCC admission, financial aid and academic program information.  We would be glad to set up a workshop or series of presentations customized to your organization or group.

HCC LIFE offers workshops for: College Students, High School Students, Leadership Conferences, Men's Groups, Returning Adults, Women's Groups and Youth Groups.  

For more information please email: hcclife@hccfl.edu or call: 813.253.7533

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