Administrative Withdrawal

1. The Dean of Student Services, or designee, may implement an emergency interim withdrawal of a student if the Student Services Dean determines that a student may be suffering from a mental disorder and the student poses a significant danger of causing imminent physical harm to the student or to other members of the college community.

2. A student who is withdrawn on an emergency basis will be given an opportunity to appear before the Dean of Student Services within one (1) business day from the date of the notice of the emergency interim withdrawal in order to discuss the following:

a. The reliability of the information concerning a student’s behavior.

b. Whether or not the student poses a significant danger of causing imminent physical harm to the student or to other members of the college community.

3. At the conclusion of the meeting regarding an emergency interim withdrawal, the Dean of Student Services may:

a. Cancel the emergency interim withdrawal but inform the student that the process to consider the possibility of involuntary medical withdrawal will continue; or

b. Extend the order for emergency interim withdrawal which shall remain in effect until the process to consider the possibility of involuntary medical withdrawal is concluded in an expedited fashion. A decision regarding emergency involuntary medical withdrawal cannot be appealed.

c. The Dean of Student Services must notify the Speak Up HCC Team immediately by sending an email to