Albania |
- Diplome e Maturës Shtetërore (State Matura, vocational level)
- Dëftesë Pjekurie (Certificate of Maturity)
Argentina |
Australia |
- Australian Capital Territory/ACT Year 12 Certificate
- New South Wales Higher School Certificate/HSC and Record of Achievement
- Northern Territory Certificate of Education/NTCE and Record of Achievement
- South Australian Certificate of Education/SACE and Record of Achievement
- Queensland Senior Certificate of Education
- Tasmanian Certificate of Education/TCE and Statement of Marks
- Victorian Certificate of Education/VCE and Statement of Results
- Western Australia Certificate of Education/WACE Statement of Results
Austria |
- Reifepruefungszeugnis/Reifezeugnis/Matura
Bahamas |
- Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education/BGCSE (five or more academic subjects *)
- General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-level; five or more academic subjects *)
Bahrain |
- Secondary School General Certificate
Bangladesh |
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
Belarus |
- Attestat O Srednom Obrazavanii (Diploma of Secondary Education)
Belgium |
- Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur/Diploma von Hoger Secundaire Onderwijs
Bermuda |
- Bermuda School Diploma (BSD)
Bolivia |
- Bachiller and Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
- Svjedocanstvo Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom (IV Stepen)/Certificate of final examination IV level
- Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Obrazovanju (IV Stepen)/Certificate of final examination IV level
Botswana |
- Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (five or more academic subjects*)
Brazil |
- Certificado de Conclusão de Segunda Grau and transcripts
- Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio and transcripts
Cameroon |
- Baccalauréat d’Enseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureat)
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-level; five or more academic subjects*)
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-level; two or more academic subject passes within two years of completion of GCE O-Level)
Canada |
- Alberta—General High School Diploma; Advanced High School Diploma
- British Columbia— Secondary School Graduation Diploma
- Manitoba—High School Diploma
- New Brunswick—High School Graduation Diploma
- Newfoundland and Labrador—High School Graduation Diploma
- Northwest Territories—High School Graduation Diploma
- Nova Scotia—High School Graduation Diploma
- Nunavut—High School Graduation Diploma
- Ontario—Ontario Secondary School Diploma
- Prince Edward Island—Senior Secondary School Diploma
- Quebec—Certificate of Graduation; Diplôme d’Études Secondaires/Diploma of Secondary Studies; Diplôme d’Études Collegiales
- Saskatchewan—Record of Higher Standing/Record of Secondary Level Standing
- Yukon—High School Diploma
Caribbean, English-Speaking
(includes Anguilla, Antigua, Barbados, Belize, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and British Virgin Islands)
- Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC; five or more academic subjects*)
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE; two or more academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE; five or more academic subjects*)
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE; five academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-level; five or more academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Levels (GCE AS/A-Level; two or more academic subjects* within two years of completion of GCE O-Level)
Chile |
- Licencia de Education Media Humanistico Cientifica (Certificate of Secondary Education)
Colombia |
- Bachiller and Certificado de estudios/calificaciones
Costa Rica |
Côte d’Ivoire |
- Baccalauréat
- Diplôme de Bachelier de d'Énseignement du Second Degré
Croatia |
- Svedodzba o Zavrsnom Ospity (Certificate of Final Examination); A or B-levels, including English/Math
- Svedodzba o Zavrsnom Srednjem Obrazovanju (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)
- Maturalna Svjedodzba or Matura (Maturity Certificate)
Denmark |
- Studentereksamen
- Højere Forberedelseksamen
- Højere Teknisk Eksamen
- Højere Handelseksamen
Dominican Republic |
Ecuador |
El Salvador |
- Bachillerato/Bachiller
- Diploma de Educación Media (Diploma of Secondary School Education)
Egypt |
- General Secondary Education Certificate (Thanawiya a’Amma)
- Technical Secondary Education Certificate (Shehadet Thanawiya)
- Advanced Technical Diploma
Finland |
- Lukion Päästötodistus/Dismissionsbetyg/Avgangsbetyg Fran Gymnasiet [Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate]
- Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentsexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination Certificate)
- Vocational Secondary School Diploma
France |
- Diplôme de Baccalauréat
- Brevet de Technicien
- Diplôme d’Access aux Études Universitaires
Gambia |
- West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate/SSSLC (five or more academic subjects*)
Germany |
- Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife or Abitur
- Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife
Ghana |
- Senior Secondary School Certificate/SSSCE (five or more academic subjects*)
- West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE (five or more academic subjects*)
Greece |
- Upper Secondary School Certificate (Apolytirion)
- General High School Diploma, Technological Track
Guatemala |
Haiti |
- Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires and Relevé de Notes
- Diplôme de Baccalauréat
Honduras |
Hong Kong |
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education/HKDSE (five or more HKDSE subjects in level 2/'Attained,' including English, Mathematics and a science subject)
- Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination/HKALE (five or more academic subjects*)
- Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination/HKCEE (five or more academic subject passes*)
Iceland |
- Studentsprof (Upper Secondary School Certificate)
- Sveinsprof (Technical Upper Secondary School Certificate)
- Verzlunarsprof (Commercial Diploma)
India |
- Higher Secondary Certificate/HSC earned after standard XII (grade 12)
- All-India Senior School Certificate/AISSC
- Senior Secondary School Certificate (National Institute of Open Schooling)
- Pre-university/degree certificate earned after standard XII (grade 12)
- Intermediate Certificate (grade 12) for Goa and Andra Pradesh
- Indian School Certificate
Italy |
- Diploma/Certifica di Maturita/Esame di Stato (state exam after conclusion of upper secondary school)
Japan |
- Upper Secondary/High School Graduation Certificate and transcripts
Jordan |
- General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi)
Kazakhstan |
- Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education)
- Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazonavii (Diploma of Secondary Specialized/Vocation Education)
Kenya |
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE; five or more academic subjects*)
- East African Certificate of Education (EACE)
- Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE); issued by Kenya National Examinations Council
Kosovo |
- Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme të Lartë-Gjimnazit (Diploma of Completion of Middle and High School)
- Diplomë për Kryerjen E Shkollës së Mesmet të Pergjithshme-Gjimnazit (Diploma of Completion of General Secondary School)
Kuwait |
- General Secondary Education Certificate
Kyrgyzstan |
- Attestat o Srednem Obschem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education)
- Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education)
Latvia |
- Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) and Results Annex
- Diploms par Profesionalo Videjo Izglitibu (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education from Vocational Secondary School or Vocational Gymnasium)
Lebanon |
- Baccalauréat (Certificate of Secondary Education)
Liberia |
- Liberia Senior High School Certificate Examination/LSHSC (five or more academic subjects*)
Macau |
- Senior Secondary School Certificate and transcripts
Madagascar |
- Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
Malawi |
- Malawi School Certificate of Education (five or more academic subjects*)
Mauritius |
- Higher School Certificate/HSC (A/AS Levels)
- General Certificate of Education/School Certificate (five or more subjects in O-levels*
Moldova |
- Diploma de Baccalauréat
- Atestat de Maturitate/Studi Medii de Cultura Generala (Certificate of General Secondary Education)
Namibia |
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education/IGCSE (five or more academic subjects*) and/or Advanced Levels
Mexico |
- Bachillerato/Bachiller
- Bachillerato Tecnologico
Morocco |
- Diplome/Attestation de Baccalauréat Marocain
- Baccalauréat Technique
Myanmar |
- Matriculation Examination
- Technical High School Diploma
Nepal |
- Higher Secondary Education Board Examination Certificate (HSC), Migration Certificate
Netherlands |
- VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) (University Preparatory Education)
- HAVO (Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs) (Senior General Secondary Education)
- MBO (Middelbar Beroepsonderwijs)
Netherland Antilles (Includes Bonair, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Sint Maarten) |
- VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) (University Preparatory Education)
- HAVO (Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs) (Senior General Secondary Education)
- SBO (Diploma Secundair Beroeps Onderwijs) (Diploma of secondary vocational education)
- See English-Speaking Caribbean
New Zealand |
- National Certificate of Educational Achievement/NCEA Level 2 (after conclusion of yr 12)
- National Certificate of Educational Achievement/NCEA Level 3 (after conclusion of yr 13)
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education/IGCSE (five academic subjects*)
Nicaragua |
- Bachillerato/Bachiller en Ciencias, Letras y Filosofia
- Bachiller Tecnico
Nigeria |
- West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior School Certificate (five or more academic subject passes*)
- National Examinations Council (NECO) Senior School Certificate (five or more academic subject passes*)
Norway |
- Vitnemål fra den Videregăende Skolen (Completion Certificate for Upper Secondary School)
Oman |
- General Education Diploma/Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Pakistan |
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
- Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC)
- Intermediate Certificate
Palestine |
- Secondary School Certificate
Panama |
Peru |
- Bachillerato/Bachiller Profesional
- Certificado Oficial de Estudios de Educacion Secundaria Comun
- Bachillerato Técnico
Philippines |
Poland |
- S´wiadectwo Ukon´czenia Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (Certificate of Completion of General Secondary School)
- S´wiadectwo D´ojrzalosci (Maturity Certificate)
Portugal |
- Certificado Nivel Secundario de Education [Certificate of Secondary Education]
- Diploma de Ensino Secundario [Diploma of Secondary Education]
Qatar |
- General Secondary Education Certificate
Russia |
- Attestat o Srednom (Polnom) Obschem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary General Education)
- Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii (Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education)
Saudi Arabia |
- General Secondary Education Certificate
Senegal |
- Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Ensignement de Second Degre (Diploma of Secondary Education)
Serbia |
- Svedocansvo o Zavrsenoj Srednem Vasptanju (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)
- Svedocansvo o Zavrsenoj Srednem Vasptanju (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)
Sierra Leone |
- West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior School Certificate (five or more academic subjects*)
Singapore |
- Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate (GCE) Ordinary O-Levels (five or more subjects*)
- H1 Level, H2 or H3 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced A-Level examination (two or more A-level exam passes in two different subjects)
South Africa |
- National Senior Certificate
- Senior Certificate
South Korea |
- Certificate of Graduation/Senior High School Diploma
Spain |
- Bachillerato/Bachiller
- Titulo de Tecnico Superior/Especialista (Diploma of Secondary School Technician/Specialized Technician)
Sudan |
- Sudan Secondary School Certificate/SSSC (five or more academic subjects*)
Swaziland |
- General Certificate of Education/GCE (five or more academic subjects*)
Sweden |
- Avgångsbetyg or Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (School Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School)
- Hoegskoleforberedande examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma)
Thailand |
- Mathayom Suksa 6/Matayom VI Certificate (Higher/Upper Secondary School Certificate)
Tunisia |
- Diplôme de Baccalauréat/Baccalaureate Diploma and transcripts
Turkey |
- Lisé Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma)
Uganda |
- Uganda Certificate of Education/UCE (five or more academic subjects*)
- Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education/UACE
Ukraine |
- Atestat (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education from a Gimnasia, Licei or Starsha Serednia Shkola—Upper Secondary School)
United Arab Emirates |
- Shahadat Al-Thanawiya Al-Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
United Kingdom & British Crown Dependencies |
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations (five or more academic subjects*)
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations (five or more academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Levels/GCE AS/A-Level examinations (two or more academic subjects*)
- Scottish National Qualifications
Uzbekistan |
- Attestat o Srednom Obschem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary General Education)
- Diplom o Srednem Obrazovanii (Diploma of Vocational or Specialized Secondary Education)
Venezuela |
- Bachiller
- Titulo de Educación Media General
Vietnam |
- bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông (Graduation diploma of upper secondary school)
Zambia |
- Zambian School Certificate (five or more academic subjects*)
Zimbabwe |
- Zimbabwe Certificate of Secondary Education/ CSE (five or more academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Education/CSE (five or more academic subjects*)
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Levels/GCE AS/A-Level examinations (two or more academic subjects* within two years of completion of GCE O-Levels)
- Cambridge Overseas School Certificate; five or more academic subjects*)
International Baccalaureate |
- International Baccalaureate Diploma and accompanying certificate