Title: ACADEMIC PROGRESS | Identification: 4.04 Effective Date: August 20, 2013 |
Authority: |
Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater |
This procedure establishes the academic progress statuses and processes for Hillsborough Community College.
To have satisfactory academic standing, a student at Hillsborough Community College must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 “C.” Students may be required to take reduced hours per semester to improve their GPA. Insurance issues will not be a consideration. Only institutional GPA, including remedial coursework, would be included. Transfer GPA would not be included.
Petitions to return to the College would go to the Academic Standards Committee. Each April, the President of FUSA or designee shall recommend to and consult with the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee over the appointment of faculty members to the Academic Standards Committee. The recommendations should include one counseling faculty and one teaching faculty from each campus with alternates for each member. The chair of the committee would be non-faculty and appointed by the Registrar.
The four steps in the process are Warning, Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal. These steps would proceed as follows:<
- Warning: When a student’s Cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, the student is placed on Warning and notified immediately by all available means. A registration hold is placed on the student’s record and the student must see a counselor to register. Student must maintain a Term GPA of 2.00 or better thereafter. Student remains on Warning until the Cumulative GPA rises to 2.00 or better.
- Probation: If while on Warning, a student’s Term GPA falls below 2.00, the student is placed on Probation and notified immediately by all available means. Registration hold remains and the student must see a counselor to register. Student must maintain a Term GPA of 2.00 or better thereafter. Student remains on Probation until the Cumulative GPA rises to 2.00 or better.
- Suspension: If while on Probation, a student’s Term GPA falls below 2.00, the student is placed on Suspension and notified immediately by all available means. Registration hold remains and the student may not register for a period of one term. Appeal of a suspension will be ruled upon by the Academic Standards Committee. After the suspension period, the student must first see a counselor, then petition the Academic Standards Committee to be allowed to register. If the petition is successful, student must maintain a Term GPA of 2.00 or better thereafter. Student remains on Suspension until the Cumulative GPA rises to 2.00 or better.
- Dismissal: If while on Suspension, a student’s Term GPA falls below 2.00, the student is placed on Dismissal and notified immediately by all available means. Registration hold remains and the student may not register for a period of one calendar year. Appeal of a dismissal will be ruled upon by the Academic Standards Committee. After the dismissal period, the student must first see a counselor, then petition the Academic Standards Committee to be readmitted. If the petition is successful, the student returns in the status of Suspension, under the conditions stated above regarding return from a one-term suspension.
Restriction codes can only be overridden by a counselor, a dean of student services, or the registrar.
Steps in the Process