Payroll Deductions: 3.14


Title: PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Identification: 3.14

Effective Date: July 1, 2007

SBE 6A-14.0261

FS 1001.64; 1001.65; 1012.865

HCC Rule 6HX-10-3.01
Signature/Approval: Dr. Gwendolyn W. Stephenson


This procedure establishes guidelines for required and voluntary payroll deductions.


The following procedural guidelines apply to required and voluntary payroll deductions for full-time employees:

  1. REQUIRED PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS - the College will deduct the following from each full-time employee's bi-weekly pay check:
    1. Social Security; and
    2. Withholding Tax for the Internal Revenue Services.
    3. Garnishments and other mandatory deductions required by law or by court order.

      The Payroll Office will remove the required deductions prior to forwarding an employee's bi-weekly pay check.
    1. The following deductions may be voluntarily requested by an employee by submitting an Employee's Authorization for Payroll Deduction Card to the Payroll Office at the District Administrative Offices at least fifteen (15) work days prior to the effective date of the deduction. To cancel or change a voluntary payroll deduction, an employee will complete the Employee's Authorization for Payroll Deduction Card accordingly.
      1. United States Savings Bonds (for additional information, contact the Payroll Office);
      2. United Way Fund (for additional information, contact Human Resources for advice regarding the administrator appointed for the annual fund raising event);
      3. Deposits with the Credit Union (an employee must be a member of the Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union to utilize this deduction. An employee may contact the Credit Union directly for additional information);
      4. Contribution to the HCC Foundation (for additional information, contact the Executive Director of the Foundation);
      5. Florida Association of Community Colleges (FACC) (an employee must be a member of FACC to utilize this deduction. An employee may contact Human Resources for additional information regarding FACC representatives at the campus and district locations);
      6. Union dues; and
      7.  Personal Communications Devices
    2. The following deductions may be voluntarily requested by an employee by submitting an Enrollment/Change form to Human Resources at least fifteen (15) work days prior to the effective date of the deduction. To cancel or change a voluntary payroll deduction, an employee will complete the Enrollment/Change form accordingly.
      1. Tax Sheltered Annuities (for additional information, contact the Human Resources Employee Benefits Office).
      2. Insurance - hospital, dental, disability, life, etc. (For additional information, contact the Human Resources Employee Benefits Office).
  3. The Board of Trustees may approve additional payroll deductions. Employees will be notified regarding additional or modified payroll deductions.


Replaces Procedure 2.023, Payroll Deductions, dated October 8, 1991.