Code Of Ethics For Public Employees: 6HX-10-3.16



Identification: 6HX-10-3.16

Effective Date: 01/24/18


FS 1001.64; 1001.65; Chapter 112, Part III

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This administrative rule establishes College policy regarding the Code of Ethics for Public Employees, as set forth in Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, which apply to community college employees.


All employees of Hillsborough Community College are subject to the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Public Employees as set forth in Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, which includes but are not limited to the following:

  1. Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts – No employee shall solicit or accept anything of value to the recipient, including a loan, gift, reward, favor, service, or promise of future employment, based on any understanding that the official act or judgment of the employee will be influenced.

  2. Doing Business with the College – No employee acting in a private capacity shall rent, lease, sell any goods, services or property to the College, subject to certain exemptions set forth in Florida Statutes.

  3. Unauthorized Compensation – No employee shall accept any compensation, payment or item of value at any time, when the employee knows, or should know, that it was given to influence any action an employee in the employee's official capacity at the College.

  4. Misuse of Public Position – No employee will use or attempt to corruptly use a position, any property or resources of the College, or perform official duties at the College in order to secure a special privilege or benefit.

  5. Conflicting Employment or Contractual Relationship – No employee shall hold employment or contractual relationships with any business that is doing business with the College, subject to limitations set forth in Florida Statutes. Further, an employee may not have any employment or contractual relationship that will create a recurring conflict with an employee's private interests and the performance of public duties at the College.

  6. Disclosure or Use of Certain Information – No employee may disclose or use information that is not available to the general public and learned by reason of the position at the College, or for personal gain or benefit of any person or business.


Adopted: 4/11/90; Revised: 6/15/05; Formerly: 6HX – 10 – 2.028