Identification: 6HX-10-1.02                

Effective Date: March 25, 2015


SBE 6A-14.0261

FS 120; 1001.64; 1001.65

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This rule establishes guidelines for the District Board of Trustees’ meetings and workshops.


The District Board of Trustees may convene for regular meetings, special meetings, emergency meetings and workshops. All meetings and workshops will be open to the public and copies of approved minutes will be available to the public.


    A. Regular Meetings—The Board will meet according to the regular meeting day, time and place scheduled at the Board's annual organizational meeting. The Board's regular meeting may be set at another day, time or place upon the approval of a majority vote of the Board.

    B. Special Meetings—The Board will convene in special meetings at the request of the Chairperson of the Board or by the President at the request of a majority of the members of the Board. In the event the President fails to call a special meeting when requested to do so, such meeting will be called by the Chairperson of the Board or a majority of the members of the Board giving two (2) days written notice of the time and purpose of the meeting to all members and to the President. The agenda of the meeting will set forth the facts regarding the procedure in calling the meeting, set forth the reason therefore, and will be signed by the Chairperson or by a majority of the members of the Board. The actions taken at special meetings will have the same force and effect, as if taken at a regular meeting.

    C. Workshops—The Board may convene in workshops upon request of the Chairperson of the Board, the President, or a majority of Board members to discuss and review matters that pertain to the welfare of the College.

    D. Emergency Meetings—The Board may convene in emergency meetings upon the request of the Chairperson of the Board, the President, or a majority of Board members in order to address urgent matters that affect the College and require immediate action.

    E. Executive Sessions—An executive session of the Board may be called in accordance with state law.

  2. NOTICES—All notices of meetings and workshops of the Board shall meet the requirements of public meetings notice as set out in state law.

  3. MAJORITY—A majority of the Board members are required to be present in order to constitute a quorum.


  4. ORDER OF BUSINESS—The chairperson will call the meeting to order on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business, unless modified by the Board, will be as follows:


          1.01 Call to Order

          1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

          1.03 Invocation

          1.04 Roll Call

          1.05 Welcome to Guests and Staff Members

          1.06 Foundation Report

          1.07 Faculty and Staff Recognitions

          1.08 Adoption of the Agenda and Revisions to the Agenda

          1.09 Minutes

    2.0 HEARING OF STUDENTS—Students who wish to speak to the Board should register in advance of the meeting. The amount of time allotted to persons to speak will be determined in each instance by the Board. During the meeting, the chairman may recognize unregistered persons who wish to speak to the Board.

    3.0 HEARING OF CITIZENS—Citizens who wish to speak to the Board should register in advance of the meeting. The amount of time allotted to persons to speak will be determined in each instance by the Board. During the meeting, the Chairman may recognize unregistered persons who wish to speak to the Board.

    4.0 HEARING OF FACULTY AND STAFF—Faculty and staff who wish to speak to the Board should register in advance of the meeting. The amount of time allotted to persons to speak will be determined in each instance by the Board. During the meeting, the Chairman may recognize unregistered persons who wish to speak to the Board. No issues covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement may be addressed.










  5. Rules of Order—In all matters not covered by rules of the Board, parliamentary procedures will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order revised.

  6. AGENDA AND AGENDA REVISIONS—The President will prepare an agenda for all regular Board meetings which will be available to the public seven (7) days prior to a Board meeting. An agenda for special Board meeting will be available forty-eight (48) hours prior to a special meeting. No notice is required for an emergency meeting where the agenda will be available as soon as possible prior to the meeting. Copies of the agenda will also be available prior to each Board meeting. The agenda will include those items to be discussed in order of presentation. The President may designate specific items for approval by a consent agenda vote. However, a member of the Board may move to have an item included in the consent agenda removed and voted on separately.

    After an agenda is printed and made available, notification of any changes will be made at the earliest time practical.

    The President or a member of the Board may recommend consideration of an off- agenda item or subject matter. The Board must approve consideration of all off-agenda items by a majority vote, prior to consideration.

    The President will provide the Board with all agenda-related reports or specific reports requested by the Board under separate cover as soon as possible prior to a Board meeting. The President will provide all Board members with any information requested by one Board member.

  7. MEMBER VOTING—No member of the Board may vote by proxy. Every member present will vote on all questions, unless excused by the Board or if a member abstains because of a conflict of interest.

  8. RECORDING THE VOTE—Actions taken by the Board will be decided upon by a majority vote of those present or such other greater vote of the Board as may be required by law. The vote will be recorded on all questions. Upon request, members may request a roll call vote and/or have the reasons for their votes recorded in the minutes. All questions requiring the decision of the Board will be called by ayes and nays and entered on the record. Silence on the part of a Board member will be considered as an affirmative vote. Stenographic notes and sound recordings will be taken of Board meeting. Minutes of the Board’s actions will be taken, reviewed and approved by the Board prior to being recorded as official records.

  9. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST—A Board member will disclose to the Board any personal interest on matters pending before the Board. The Board member will refrain from participating in any decision unless the Board votes unanimously to waive this provision.

    Where a conflict of interest is determined, the appropriate state form will be completed and filed as part of the record.


Adopted: 9/21/71; Revised: 1/2/72; 8/4/72; 12/18/74; 7/20/77; 12/15/77; 12/19/78; 3/18/81; 7/17/85; 9/18/85; 12/17/86; 10/19/88; 9/21/89; 6/15/94; 9/18/95; 10/22/97; 4/30/98; 10/19/98; 12/17/01; 5/15/02; 2/1/06; Formerly: 6HX-10-1.009; 6HX-10-1.011; 6HX-10-1.015; 6HX-10-1.016; 6HX-10-1.018