HIV or AIDS: 6HX-10-2.13



Identification: 6HX-10-2.13

Effective Date: March 25, 2015


SBE 6A-14.0261

FS 1001.64; 1001.65; 1002.21; 1006.50; 1006.68

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This rule establishes policy regarding Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) for students and employees at Hillsborough Community College (HCC).


It is the policy of HCC to balance the educational and employment rights of individuals with HIV or AIDS with the right of other students and employees to an environment in which they are protected from contracting the disease. In support of using education to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and assist the College community with a reasonable response, HCC is committed to providing education on the nature and transmission of HIV/AIDS and the rights of victims.

HCC will provide information on signs, symptoms, associated risk factors and ways to control the spread of HIV/AIDS. The Student Handbook will include HIV/AIDS educational information for students and the Human Resources Department will provide information to faculty and staff. HCC will not tolerate discrimination or retaliation against individuals with HIV/AIDS.

The College President will develop and maintain a procedure that will provide instruction, information, and activities regarding HIV/AIDS for students, employees and the community at HCC.


Adopted: 4/20/88; Revised: 2/15/89, 2/19/92, 2/17/93, 3/16/94, 7/20/94, 4/21/04; Formerly: 6HX-10-3.019