Our aquaculture AS degree program provides you with the knowledge and skills for an entry-level job in the aquaculture industry as a field/farm assistant or a laboratory technician. You may also find employment in state agencies such as the Fresh Water Fish and Wildlife Commission that oversee environment and wildlife.
AS.AQUA (60 Credit Hours)
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
This program will provide students with the knowledge and skills for an entry-level job in the aquaculture industry as a field/farm assistant or a laboratory technician. When students graduate they may also find employment in state agencies such as the Fresh Water Fish and Wildlife Commission that oversee environment and wildlife.
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
†CGS 1107 Introduction to Computers - 1 cr.
†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
†FAS 1012C Aquacultural Organisms - 3 cr.
ZOO 1450 Icthyology - 3 cr.
ZOO 1450L Icthyology Laboratory - 1 cr.
*†STA 2023 Elementary Statistics
YEAR I – Second Semester
†CHM 1025 Introductory Chemistry - 3 cr.
†CHM 1025L Introductory Chemistry Laboratory - 1 cr.
†ESC 1000 Earth Science and †ESC 1000L, Earth Science Laboratory or
OCB 2000, Marine Biology and OCB 2000L, Marine Biology Laboratory - 4 cr.
FAS 1401L Aquacultural Laboratory Techniques - 3 cr.
FAS 2263C Aquacultural Reproductive Techniques - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Third Semester
†EVR 1001C Introduction to Environmental Science - 3 cr.
†FAS 2941L Aquacultural Field Experience I - 3 cr.
YEAR II – First Semester
FAS 2240C Aquacultural Nutritional Techniques - 3 cr.
FAS 2253 Aquacultural Disease Processes - 3 cr.
FAS 2253L Aquacultural Disease Processes Laboratory - 1 cr.
†FAS 2942L Aquacultural Field Experience II - 3 cr.
Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
YEAR II – Second Semester
†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
FAS 1404C Aquacultural Field Techniques - 3 cr.
FAS 2353C Aquacultural Management Practices - 3 cr.
†FAS 2943L Aquacultural Field Experience III - 3 cr.
†SPC 1006 Speech Improvement - 1 cr.
†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.