The environmental science technology AS degree, environmental technician option, prepares you for a position as an environmental pollution control technician or environmental technician. Coursework readies you to conduct environmental surveys; to conduct investigations and evaluations of noise, air, soil, and water conditions for compliance with public laws and regulations; and to effectively manage natural resources.
If you have an interest in protecting the environment and like the idea of a hands-on, in-the-field job, you may be a prime candidate for this rewarding career path. It can lead you to manage natural resources such as forests, wildlife, fisheries, and energy.
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
For specific questions about the Environmental Science classes, contact the course instructor Dr. Pete Sleszynski.
This program will prepare students for positions as environmental pollution control technicians or environmental technicians. The program curriculum will prepare students to conduct environmental surveys; conduct investigations and evaluations of noise, air, and water conditions for compliance with public laws and regulations; or to effectively manage natural resources.
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
Environmental Program Core Requirements and Specified Electives as available - 9-12 cr.
YEAR I – Second Semester
†CGS 1000 Introduction to Computers and Technology - 3 cr.
Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
Environmental Program Core Requirements and Specified Electives as available - 9-12 cr.
YEAR I – Third Semester
†BSC 1005 Biological Foundations - 3 cr.
†BSC 1005L Biological Foundations Laboratory - 1 cr.
†CHM 1025 Introductory Chemistry - 3 cr.
†CHM 1025L Introductory Chemistry Laboratory - 1 cr.
†MAC 1105 College Algebra - 3 cr.
YEAR II – First Semester
Environmental Program Core Requirements and Specified Electives as available - 9-12 cr.
†POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
YEAR II – Second Semester
EVS 2942L Environmental Technology Practicum - 3 cr.
Environmental Program Core Requirements and Specified Electives as available - 9-12 cr.
Environmental Program Core Classes
†EVR2858 Environmental Law - 4 cr.
†EVS1001 Introduction to Environmental Sustainability - 3 cr.
EVS 2891 Hydrology and Quality of Water Resources - 4 cr.
EVS 2894C Water Sampling and Analysis I - 5 cr.
EVS 2895C Water Sampling and Analysis II - 5 cr.
EVS 2893C Soil Sampling and Analysis - 5 cr.
GIS 1041 Survey of GIS/GPS - 1 cr.
Select 11 specified elective credits from the following:
Water Emphasis
EVS 1026 Chemistry and Biology of Natural Waters - 4 cr.
Geographic Information Systems/Global Position Systems
EVR 1041 Natural Resource Management w/Applications in GIS - 4 cr.
†GIS 2040 Fundamentals of GIS - 3 cr.
Natural Resource Management
EVR 1328 Natural Resource Conversation and Ecology - 3 cr.
FNR 1001 Natural Resource Management - 3 cr.
ORH 1523 Native Upland Plants - 2 cr.
ORH 1524 Native Wetland Plants - 2 cr.
†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.