This degree teaches you the technical skills needed to be a network specialist, administrator, customer support analyst, or systems engineer.
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
AS.NST.ECC (60 Credit Hours)
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
†CGS 1000 Introduction to Computers and Technology - 3 cr.
COP 1000 Programming Logic - 3 cr.
*†CTS 1305 Introduction to Networking - 3 cr.
†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Second Semester
†CTS 1303 Enterprise Operating Systems I - 3 cr.
CTS 2109 Introduction to Virtualization - 3 cr.
MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking - 3 cr.
Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
Natural Science General Education CORE - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Third Semester
†CTS 1106 Introduction to Linux - 3 cr.
†CTS 1145 Introduction to the Cloud - 3 cr.
YEAR II – First Semester
CAI 2000 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 3 cr.
†COP 1030 Introduction to Python Programming - 3 cr.
†CTS 2301C Linux Administration I - 3 cr.
†CTS 2375 Enterprise and Cloud Computing - 3 cr.
YEAR II – Second Semester
CAI 2100 Introduction to Machine Learning - 3 cr.
†CGS 2541 Database Design - 3 cr.
†CNT 1401 Introduction to Network Security - 3 cr.
CTS 2941 Enterprise Cloud Computing Capstone - 3 cr.
†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.