The auxiliary law enforcement officer post-secondary adult vocational program offers training to serve as a part-time law enforcement officer. The program does have specified admission criteria.
Certificate > Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officer PSAV Program
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
PSAV • Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officer
VOC.LAWE.AUX (364 Clock Hours)
Graduates are able to serve as a part-time volunteer law enforcement officer. Call the Criminal Justice Training Institute Public Service Program Manager at 813.253.7697 to obtain an application handbook. The program does have specified admission criteria that must be met for an individual to be considered for admission to an academy.
Program Requirements
CJK 0020 Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations - 48 Clock Hr. (1.6 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0023 Introduction to Law Enforcement - 4 Clock Hr. (0.13 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0024 Legal Concepts - 20 Clock Hr. (0.66 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0025 Patrol and Professional Communication - 12 Clock Hr. (0.40 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0026 Interactions in a Diverse Community - 12 Clock Hr. (0.40 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0027 Calls for Service and Arrest Procedures - 24 Clock Hr. (0.80 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0028 Traffic Stops and Crash Investigations - 28 Clock Hr. (0.93 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0029 Crime Scene and Courtroom Procedure - 8 Clock Hr. (0.26 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0031 First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers - 40 Clock Hr. (1.3 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0040 Criminal Justice Firearms - 80 Clock Hr. (2.7 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0051 Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics - 80 Clock Hr. (2.7 Voc. Cr.)
CJK 0422 Dart-Firing Stun Gun - 8 Clock Hr. (0.26 Voc. Cr.)