Champions of Diversity

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Diverse group of students hanging out at a table in a lounge room with other students
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A diverse group of students outside of Ybor City next to a camcorder on a tripod
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Award recipients of Champions of Diversity 2018

HCC Champions of Diversity Award recognizes individuals who embrace, support and promote diversity and inclusion. Consider the award criteria when nominating yourself or another member of the HCC Community.

The 2023 Champions of Diversity Awards took place on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 11:00am in the beautiful Ybor City Campus Ybor Room.

The special guest speaker was the CEO of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Joe Handy. Members of the President's cabinet, the diversity council, Suncoast Credit Union, The Mosaic Company, members of the HCC Community, and nominees were among the attendees. 

The Awards recognized outstanding administrators, faculty, staff, and student organizations from across the HCC Community, as well as a corporate partner as an unsung hero who has made exceptional efforts and contributions in the area of equity and diversity.

Nominations were solicited, finalists were selected by the Champions of Diversity Selection committee, and the winners were announced. An Inaugural award called “The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award,” was debuted and awarded. Attendees enjoyed an exceptional lunch, light entertainment, and everyone walked away with a special gift from the Diversity, Equity, and Special Programs department. The 2023 Champions of Diversity Awards was sponsored by Suncoast Credit Union, who special guest attendees received a jar of HCC’s Sustainable Honey. 

We thank the community for their continued support and look forward to the 2024 Champions of Diversity Awards.

2023 Winners

• Exemplary Administrator – Ms. Nadia Kotula

Nadia Kotula


• Exemplary Staff – Ms. Christina Sanchez

Christina Sanchez


• Exemplary Faculty – Ms. Elizabeth Key-Raimer

Elizabeth Kay-Raimer


• Exemplary Student Organization – Ybor City SGA

Ybor City SGA

• Exemplary Corporate Partner – The Mosaic Company

*Inaugural: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award - Nikki Foster, Community Investment Manager, Diversity and Inclusion, The Mosaic Company

Nikki Foster