The Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship AS degree provides opportunities to engage in ideation, business and financial modeling, effectuation, rapid prototyping and design thinking. Careers include business management, intrapreneurship and self-employment.
Students will acquire a comprehensive set of 21st Century workforce skills that prepare them for working in either their own start‐ups or large established companies across a variety of industries. Students who complete this degree are eligible for applying for HCC’s Everyday Entrepreneur Venture Seed Fund.
This degree provides students with the opportunity to learn entrepreneurial skills including ideation, business and financial modeling, effectuation, rapid prototyping, and design thinking. Students will acquire a comprehensive set of 21st Century workforce skills that prepare them for working in either their own start‐ups or large established companies across a variety of industries. Students who complete this degree are eligible for applying for HCC’s Everyday Entrepreneur Venture SEED Fund.
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
†ENT 1000 Introduction to Entrepreneurship - 3 cr.
†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
†FIN 1100 Personal Finance - 3 cr.
†MAC 1105 College Algebra - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Second Semester
†ENT 1031 Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales - 3 cr.
†ENT 1012 Entrepreneurship Management - 3 cr.
†ENT 1411 Small Business Accounting and Finance - 3 cr.
†OST 2854C Office Applications for Business – 3 cr.
YEAR I – Third Semester
†ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 cr.
†ENC 1102 English Composition II - 3 cr.
†SPC 1608 Public Speaking - 3 cr.
YEAR II – First Semester
†ENT 1612 Creativity, Innovation, and Human Centered Design - 3 cr.
†STA 2023 Elementary Statistics - 3 cr.
Humanities General Education Core - 3 cr.
Natural Science General Education Core - 3 cr.
Specified Elective – 3 cr.
YEAR II – Second Semester
†ENT 2212 Entrepreneurial Leadership - 3 cr.
Specified Elective – 9 cr.
Select 9 specified elective credits from the following:
†ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology - 3 cr.
†CGS 2800 Web Authoring - 3 cr.
†CGS 1510 Spreadsheet Applications - 1 cr.
†CRW 1001 Creative Writing I - 3 cr.
DAA 2611 Dance Improvisation - 2 cr.
†ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics - 3 cr.
†ENC 2210 Technical Writing - 3 cr.
†ETI 1622 Concepts of Lean and Six Sigma - 3 cr.
†FIL 1000 Introduction to Motion Media: Film, Cinema and the Environment - 3 cr.
†FIL 2931 Careers in Film and Video - 1 cr.
†GRA 2111C Graphic Design -3 cr.
†HFT 1000 Introduction to Hospitality Industry Management - 3 cr.
†HUN 2203 Culinary Nutrition - 3 cr.
†HUS 1200 Introduction Group Process -3 cr.
†MAN 2300 Introduction to Human Resource Management - 3 cr.
†MAN 2500 Operations Management - 3 cr.
OST 2797 Social Media for Business - 3 cr.
OST 2858 Excel Spreadsheet for Business - 3 cr.
†SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.
†THE 1000 Introduction to Theatre Arts - 3 cr.
†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.