Studies show that involved students are more likely to succeed.1, 2 Campus involvement is a great way to make the most of your college experience. You can increase your career and educational opportunities by participating in campus activities and organizations, make friends and establish helpful networks while learning about your strengths and improving your leadership skills.
There are two different types of Student Organizations: Clubs and Interest Groups. Clubs are more formalized, with an officer structure, at least 10 student members, constitution, and representation within the host campus’ Student Government Association. Interest groups are informal, and only require 5 student members to start.
Student Organizations by Campus
Each HCC campus hosts a variety of student organizations that appeal to a wide range of interests. Click on a campus link to see what is available!
- Brandon Campus Clubs
- Dale Mabry Campus Clubs
- Plant City Campus Clubs
- SouthShore Campus Clubs
- Ybor City Campus Clubs
1 Gunuc, S. (2014). The relationships between student engagement and their academic achievement. International Journal on New Trends in Education and their implications, 5(4).
2 Glapaththi et. al (2019). A study on the relationship between student engagement and their academic achievements. Asian Social Science, 15(11).