Pell Census Date

Hillsborough Community College uses a Census date to determine Pell Grant eligibility. The Census date refers to the point at which your enrolled credit hours are locked for Pell Grant purposes. The Census date does not apply to other forms of financial aid (loans, HCC Grant, SEOG, etc.).

Below is a list of Census dates by term:

Spring 2024

January 12, 2024

Summer 2024

May 18, 2024


Credit Hours and Enrollment StatusThe classes which you are registered for at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the Census date will determine Pell Grant eligibility, so register early. Credit hours added after the census date cannot be used to increase Pell Grant eligibility. 

  • 12 credits and above - Full Time
  • 9 to 11 credits - Three-Quarter Time 
  • 6 to 8 credits - Half-Time 
  • Less than 6 - Less than Half-Time

For example: If you are registered for 9 credit hours on or before the census date for the term, you will be awarded Pell at the three-quarter award status. If you add a 3 credit class after the census date, which brings your total credit hours to 12, your Pell award status does not change and you will not receive an increase in your Pell Grant for the added class.