Residency Reclassification

Reclassification Application

A student who is classified as out-of-state and wants to request "reclassification" to in-state status must complete a Residency Statement at the higher education institution and submit to the appropriate office for consideration prior to the term for which reclassification is sought.

5.2 Documentary Evidence

The evidentiary requirement for reclassification goes beyond that for initial classification, because these individuals have previously been determined to be out-of-state residents. An individual who is initially classified as a nonresident for tuition purposes may become eligible for reclassification as a resident for tuition purposes only if that individual, or his or her parent if that individual is dependent, presents clear and convincing documentation that supports permanent legal residency in this state for 12 consecutive months. A student, or his or her parent if that student is dependent, may become eligible for reclassification by presenting a minimum of three (3) documents identified below: (one of the documents must come from the First Tier).

First Tier

  1. A Florida voter’s registration card.
  2. A Florida driver’s license.
  3. A State of Florida identification card.
  4. A Florida vehicle registration.
  5. Proof of a permanent home in Florida which is occupied as a primary residence by the individual or by the individual’s parent if the individual is a dependent child.
  6. Proof of a homestead exemption in Florida.
  7. Transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years (2 or more years) if the Florida high school diploma or GED was earned within the last 12 months.
  8. Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week for a consecutive 12-month period.

Second Tier

  1. A declaration of domicile in Florida.
  2. A Florida professional or occupational license.
  3. Florida incorporation.
  4. A document evidencing family ties in Florida.
  5. Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable or professional organization.
  6. Any other documentation that supports the student’s request for resident status, including, but not limited to, utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments; a lease agreement and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments; or an official state, federal, or court document evidencing legal ties to Florida.

Examples of documents that may not be used:

  • Hunting/fishing licenses
  • Library cards
  • Shopping club/rental cards
  • Birth certificate
  • Passport

The burden of providing clear and convincing documentation that justifies the institution’s classification of a student as a resident for tuition purposes rests with the student, or if the student is a dependent, his or her parent. For documentation to be "clear and convincing" it must be credible, trustworthy, and sufficient to persuade the institution that the student or, if that student is a dependent, his or her parent has established legal residency in Florida that is not solely for the purpose of pursuing an education and has relinquished residency in any other state for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to classification. Each institution of higher education may establish submission deadlines for all documentation that will be used to determine residency for tuition purposes.

An individual who is classified as a non-resident for tuition purposes and who marries a legal resident of the state and later becomes a legal resident may become eligible for reclassification by submitting proof of his/her legal residency, evidence of his/her marriage to a legal resident, and evidence of his/her spouse’s legal residence in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the application for reclassification. The individual does not have to satisfy the requisite 12-month qualifying period. [s. 1009.21(6)(d), FS]

Information on Initial Classification

Submit Request for Reclassification