Ask an International Student Ambassador

Our Student Ambassadors play an important role in welcoming new international students to Hillsborough Community College. Whether you are a prospective student who is still trying to decide whether HCC is the right fit for you, have just been admitted to HCC, or are a first-year international student adjusting to life and academics in the United States, our International Student Ambassadors are ready to share their experiences with you and answer any questions you may have.


Meet Our Student Ambassadors

  • Student ambassador photo

    Salssabil El Jbari

    Home country: Morocco

    Major: AA - Computer Science

    Favorite course: Sociology 

    My favorite thing about Tampa: The beaches

    Hobbies: Reading, cooking, yoga

    Languages: Arabic, French, English

    One thing people don't know about me: I sleep with the lights on.

    Best way to contact me:

  • Student ambassador photo

    Estela Lopez

    Home country: Guatemala

    Major: AA - Architecture 

    Favorite course: Digital Architecture 

    My favorite thing about Tampa: Ybor City and the beaches 

    Hobbies: Swimming, listening to music, hanging out with friends, and dancing.

    Languages: English, Spanish 

    One thing people don’t know about me: I love butterflies and dogs. Also, I have a phobia of bees. 

    Best way to contact me:

  • James Mwakyonde

    James Mwakyonde

    Home country: Tanzania 

    Major: AA-Pre-Medical Studies

    Favorite course: Algebra 

    My favorite thing about Tampa: Busch Gardens

    Hobbies: Soccer, listening to music, and traveling

    Languages: English and Swahili

    One thing people don’t know about me: I love a good debate!

    Best way to contact me:

Apply to Be an International Student Ambassador!

Do you want to share your experiences at HCC with new international students? Are you friendly and outgoing? The CIE office provides leadership opportunities for students to contribute to their and their peers’ holistic HCC experience. As an International Student Ambassador, you meet international students from around the world and help them in the weeks leading up to their arrival in Tampa and their first days at HCC, during our New International Student Orientations, International Student Club activities, community events, etc.  

There are several paid Ambassador positions available each academic year for which students in their second semester or beyond may apply. Applications to be an Ambassador become available in March.