Speak Up HCC Policies

Policy Statement

Hillsborough Community College may initiate a systematic response to individuals who may threaten the safety of the learning environment. The Speak Up HCC Team, a collaborative cross-functional team, will provide a compassionate, confidential program of identification, intervention and response in order to provide students with the greatest chance for success and the college community with the greatest level of safety and security.

This policy does not replace any academic-based withdrawal or dismissal policies or any code of student conduct procedures to address student disciplinary issues.

Application of Policy

  1. The Speak Up HCC Team is a collaborative cross-functional team of college officials who convene to provide personalized assessments, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current knowledge and the best available objective evidence, to ascertain whether an individual may present a threat to self or the college community.
  2. A direct threat is a significant risk of causing harm to the health or safety of any members of the college community that cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through the provision of reasonable accommodations.
  3. Significant risk indicates a high probability of harm based on observed or documented behavior.

Speak Up HCC Team:

  • Vice President of Student Services & Enrollment Management
  • Executive Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Risk Management
  • Faculty Member
  • Faculty Counselor
  • Director of Public Safety
  • College Attorney
  • District Disabilities Resource Officer
  • Director of Financial Aid

The composition of the Team may be adjusted based upon the situation.

Team Actions:

  • Monitor and provide a systematic response to situations involving individuals whose behavior may be disruptive or harmful to themselves or others in the college.
  • Provide recommendations regarding reasonable accommodations that may be provided to a student with mental health issues to enable the student to remain safely in their educational program.
  • Records created by the Speak Up HCC Team relating to students are education records protected in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Records are maintained in the office of the District Disabilities Resource Officer and requests for access and for the release of information must be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management and the Disabilities Resource Officer.
  • All activities of the Speak Up HCC Team regarding students will be conducted in accordance with any protection that may be provided through FERPA.