Subject Areas

ACG - Accounting: General

ACR - Air Cond/Refrig: Technology

ADV - Advertising

AEB - Agricultural Econ & Business

AER - Automotive/Engine Repair

AFA - Afro American Studies

AFR - Aerospace Studies

AMH - American History

AML - American Literature

ANT - Anthropology

APA - Applied Accounting

ARC - Architecture

ARH - Art History

ARR - Autobody Repair & Refinish

ART - Art

ASL - American Sign Language

AST - Astronomy

ATE - Animal Science Technology

BCA - Build Construct Apprenticeship

BCN - Building Construction

BCT - Building Construction Trades

BCV - Bldg Cnstrctn: Vocational

BOT - Botany

BRC - Banking: Related Course

BSC - Biological Science

BUL - Business Law

CAP - Computer Applications

CCJ - Criminology & Criminal Justice

CEN - Computer Engineering

CET - Computer Engineering Tech

CGS - Computers: General Studies

CHD - Child Development

CHM - Chemistry

CIS - Computer & Information System

CJC - Corrections

CJD - Criminal Justice Development

CJE - Law Enforcement

CJJ - Juvenile Justice

CJK - Criminal Justice Basic Train

CJL - Law and Process

CLP - Clinical Psychology

CNT - Computer Networks

COP - Computer Programming

CRW - Creative Writing

CTS - Computer Tech and Skills

DAA - Dance Activities

DAN - Dance

DEA - Dental Assisting

DEH - Dental Hygiene

DEP - Developmental Psychology

DES - Dental Support

DIE - Dietetics

DIM - Diesel Mechanics

DSC - Domestic Security

EAP - English Academic Purposes

ECO - Economics

EDF - Education: Foundations

EDP - Educational Psychology

EEC - Education: Early Childhood

EET - Electronic Engineering Tech

EGN - Engineering: General

EME - Education: Technology & Media

EMS - Emergency Medical Services

ENC - English Composition

ENG - English: General

ENL - English Literature

ENT - Entrepreneurship

ESC - Earth Science

ETD - Engineering Tech: Drafting

ETI - Engineering Tech: Industrial

ETM - Engineering Tech: Mechanical

ETS - Engineering Technology Spclty
EUH - European History

EVR - Environmental Studies

EVS - Environmental Science

FAS - Aquacultural Science

FFP - Fire Fighting & Protection

FIL - Film

FIN - Finance

FNR - Forestry & Natural Resources

FOS - Food Science

FRE - French Language

FSS - Food Service Systems

GEB - General Business

GER - German & Germanic Language

GEY - Gerontology

GIS - Geography-Information Science

GLY - Geology

GRA - Graphic Arts

HEV - Home Economics Vocational (p)

HFT - Hotel & Restaurant

HIM - Health Information Management

HIS - History: General

HLP - Health, Leisure, Phys Ed

HOS - Horticultural Sciences

HSC - Health Science

HUM - Humanities

HUN - Human Nutrition

HUS - Human Services

IDH - Interdisciplinary Honors

IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies

IHS - Interdiscplnry Health Sciences

INT - Sign Language Interpreting

IPM - Integrated Pest Management

ISC - Interdisciplinary Science

ISS - Interdisciplinary Social Sci

ITA - Italian Language

JOU - Journalism

LAH - Latin American History

LDE - Landscape Design

LIN - Linguistics

LIS - Library Science

LIT - Literatures

MAC - Mathematics: Calc & Precalc

MAN - Management

MAP - Mathematics: Applied

MAR - Marketing

MAS - Mathematics: Algebraic Struct

MAT - Mathematics: General

MCB - Microbiology

MET - Meteorology

MGF - Mathematics: General & Finite

MMC - Mass Media Communication

MNA - Management: Applied

MOM - Motorcycle Mechanics

MSL - Military Science Leadership

MTB - Mathematics: Technical & Bus

MUL - Music: Literature

MUM - Music: Commercial

MUN - Music: Music Ensembles

MUO - Music: Opera/Musical Theatre

MUS - Music

MUT - Music: Theory

MVB - Music: Brasses

MVK - Music: Keyboard

MVP - Music: Percussion

MVS - Music: Strings

MVV - Music: Voice

MVW - Music: Woodwinds

NMT - Nuclear Medical Technology

NUR - Nursing Practice & Theory

OCB - Oceanography: Biological

OPT - Ophthalmic Technology

ORH - Ornamental Horticulture
OST - Office Systems Technology

PCB - Process Biology: Cell & Molec

PEL - Physical Education: Land

PEM - Physical Education: Land

PEN - Physical Education: Water

PGY - Photography

PHI - Philosophy

PHY - Physics

PLA - Paralegal/Legal Asst/Legal Adm

PMT - Precision Metals Technology

POS - Political Science

PSC - Physical Sciences

PSY - Psychology

PTA - Precision Metals Technology

PUR - Public Relations

RAT - Radiation Therapy

REA - Reading

REL - Religion

RET - Respiratory Therapy

RTE - Radiologic Technology

RTV - Radio - Television

SBM - Small Business Management

SCC - Security

SCY - Security

SLS - Student Life Skills

SON - Sonography: Diagnostic Ultra

SOP - Social Psychology

SPA - Speech Pathology & Audiology

SPC - Speech Communication

SPN - Spanish Language

STA - Statistics

SUR - Surveying & Related Areas

SWS - Soil and Water Sciences

SYG - Sociology: General

TAR - Technical Architecture

TAX - Taxation

THE - Theatre

TPA - Theatre Production & Admin

TPP - Theatre Performance & Training

WOH - World History

ZOO - Zoology