Administrative Withdrawal Procedure

1. A student who requests the opportunity to meet with the Speak Up HCC Team regarding a possible administrative withdrawal will be provided the full opportunity to:

a. Review any reports or written documentation that have been submitted to the Speak Up HCC Team regarding the assessment of the student’s condition and to submit additional information for consideration, including medical information.

b. Present any relevant information or testimony. Students may be assisted by a counselor of their choosing, but only the student may speak to the Speak Up HCC Team or ask questions. Attorneys will not be permitted to present evidence or argument before the Speak Up HCC Team. Should the student be accompanied by an attorney, the college will also have a representative of the college counsel present.

c. Discuss the circumstances or behaviors of concern and challenge the truth or accuracy of the basis for the Speak Up HCC Team assessment of the direct threat.

2. The meeting between the Speak Up HCC Team and the student will be closed and formal rules of evidence will not apply.

3. The Speak Up HCC Team will make a decision regarding a student’s administrative withdrawal based upon information gathered at the meeting with the student and all other information gathered as a part of the informal review process. In reaching the final determination regarding whether the student poses a direct threat to their own health or safety or to the health and safety of other members of the college community, the Speak Up HCC Team will consider:

a. The specific behaviors that are believed to pose a direct threat to the student or to the college community.

b. The nature, duration and severity of the risk perceived to the student and/or the college community.

c. The probability that the perceived threat will occur.

d. Whether any modifications can be made to the student’s educational program to sufficiently mitigate the risks.

4. If the Speak Up HCC Team determines that the student does not meet the standard for administrative withdrawal, the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management will inform the student of the conclusion in writing within 48 hours and the procedure will be terminated.

5. If the Speak Up HCC Team determines that the student poses a direct threat to self or to the college community that could be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through the provision of reasonable accommodations, the Speak Up HCC Team will offer such reasonable accommodation. If the student refuses to accept the proposed accommodations, the student will be issued a notice of administrative withdrawal by the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management within 48 hours.

6. If the Speak Up HCC Team determines that the student poses a direct threat to self or to the college community that cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through the provision of reasonable accommodations, the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management will issue a written notice of administrative withdrawal to the student within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting with the Speak Up HCC Team. A notice of administrative withdrawal may include an order directing the student not to return to campus.