Tuition and Fees

Please view the Academic Calendar for important dates related to tuition payments.


Your tuition is determined by your residency classification. Florida residents pay a much lower tuition rate than out-of-state residents. See the requirements at Proof of Residency for Tuition Purposes.

Registration Fees

Fees are subject to change with the approval of the District Board of Trustees and the State Legislature. Please check your Hawknet account for your current balance.

Credit Programs

Florida Residents (In-State)
Tuition and Fees Amount
  Tuition   $80.45
  Access Fee   .54
  Capital Improvement Fee   8.23
  Student Activity Fee   7.23
  Student Financial Aid Fee   4.03
  Technology   3.91
  Total per Credit Hour   $104.39
Non-Florida Residents (Out-of-State)
Tuition and Fees Amount
  Tuition   $80.45
  Out-of-State Fees   241.54
  Access Fees   .54
  Capital Improvement Fee   18.12
  Student Activity Fee   7.23
  Student Financial Aid Fee   16.10
  Technology Fee   15.63
  Total per Credit Hour   $379.61

Postsecondary Adult Vocational Non-Credit Programs

  • In-State Tuition $78.98 per credit hour
  • Out-of-State Tuition $314.68 per credit hour

Baccalaureate Programs

  • In-State Tuition $126.08 per credit hour
  • Out-of-State Tuition $476.77 per credit hour

Third Attempts—College Credit Courses and College Preparatory Courses

Students must pay the full cost of instruction (equal to Out-of-State Tuition) for credit courses they attempt a third time and any additional times. Students must petition the Dean of Student Services for fourth attempts at college-level courses. HCC permits only three attempts at college preparatory courses.


Service Fee
Academic Systems Courses $60.00
Child Care Registration (per family) $100.00/academic year
Full Time Child Care for Students/Faculty/Staff $175.00/week
Full Time Child Care for Community Members $200.00/week
VPK Before/After Care $75.00/week
College Placement Test Retake Fee $10.00/section
Credit by Examination Fee $20.00
Credits Earned by Examination $20.00/credit hour
Distance Learning Fee $14.00/credit hour
E-911 Program Application Fee $100.00
Experiential Credit Processing $15.00
Hawk Card Replacement Fee for Students, Faculty & Staff $20.00
HCC OneCard Replacement Fee $23.00
Health Science Application Fee $53.00
Application for Additional Health Science Area $10.00
International Student Application Fee $50.00
Laboratory Fee Various
Law Enforcement Applicant Processing Fee $170.00
Service Learning Course Fee $23.00
Returned Check Fee $30.00
Test Proctoring Fee (for Non-HCC students) $50.00
Veterinary Technician Application Fee $30.00
Pay for Print: Single-Sided, Black & White $0.10
Pay for Print: Single-Sided, Color $0.35
Pay for Print: Double-sided, Black & White $.08/side
Pay for Print: Double-sided, Color $.30/side
Bookstore processing fee for non-return of rental books $20.00


There are various exemptions of tuition and/or fees set by the State of Florida, including Apprenticeship, Children in Custody of DCF, Dual Enrollment, Homeless, Custody of a Relative, Welfare Transition.


There are various waivers of tuition and/or fees set by the State of Florida, including Purple Heart and Senior Citizen. Additional information is provided in the current college catalog.

See Cashier Office Information for more details on waivers.