Job Search Skills

The Resume

A well-crafted resume is essential in marketing yourself. It should be organized and visually appealing, effectively identify your skills, demonstrate your productivity, and motivate employers to extend an interview.

SkillsFirst Resume and Cover Letter Builder

SkillsFirst Resume & Cover Letter work together to help you create a resume and/or cover letter. The site is appropriate for all levels of experience, offers a wide variety of formats and samples, and is easy to use and always available!

Email your campus Career Resource Center if you would like your resume or cover letter critiqued.

SkillsFirst Resume and Cover Letter

Additional Resources: 


The Interview

For most people, the interview experience can be very intimidating. We're here to calm your nerves. The key to successful interviewing is preparation!

  • The Big Interview - Learn and practice your interview skills. You must register with your Hawk email account.