​​College Success Programs

HCC LIFE's college success programs offer helpful information on transitioning into a college environment.

College 101 for High School Students

This interactive presentation focuses on the basic skills required to excel in college life, both inside and outside the classroom.  The program addresses student habits, time management, interacting with professors and other strategies for success.

College 101 for Parents

While their children prepare for college, parents also undergo a transition period, as they suddenly find themselves assisting with college choice, financing, encouragement for a greater distance, and maintaining relationships with young adults and their new-found freedom. This presentation assists parents with basic information about expectations for their new college students, and how they may best support them.

I Have a Dream.  Now I Need a Plan.

Goal-setting is an essential skill for achieving success in all areas of life.  Learning to set realistic goals is the more important step in making a dream into a reality.  This interactive presentation teaches the basic steps in goal-setting and developing an attainable goal.

Problem-Solving: Working Out the Details

Half the problem with problem-solving is determining the problem itself. Sound confusing?  This workshop is designed to take the mystery out of solving problems by helping the participant (1) identify the actual problem, (2) determine the source of the problem, (3) brainstorm possible solutions, (4) develop an action plan, and (5) evaluate the plan.