African American woman sitting in a lounge with an opened binder on her lap

Religious Studies AA Pathway

  • BR
  • DM
    Dale Mabry
  • PC
    Plant City
  • SS
  • YC
    Ybor City
AA.REL (60 Credit Hours) | Part of the Humanities Subject

The HCC Religious Studies Associate in Arts degree pathway is for students who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in religion, theology or other religious studies. The broad nature of this pathway allows it to be appropriate for future studies in liberal arts programs, philosophy, and other humanities-directed disciplines.

Please note only 60 of these credits are needed for AA degree completion. For each pathway, IDS 2891 is a degree requirement, and for most of the pathways, SLS 1106 is required for first-time-in-college students. CGS 2100 may be able to be tested out for no credit. Consult an academic advisor with questions related to pathways and course planning.

YEAR I – First Semester

†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
HUM 1020 Introduction to Humanities - 3 cr.
*†REL 2300 Introduction to Religion - 3 cr.
†SLS 1106 First Year Experience Orientation - 3 cr.
MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Second Semester

†ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology
†SYG 2000, Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.

†ENC 1102 English Composition II - 3 cr.
†Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
Mathematics General Education - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Third Semester

EUH 2000 The Western World: Origins to Early Modern Europe - 3 cr.
†SPC 1608 Public Speaking - 3 cr.
Biological Science General Education - 3-4 cr.

YEAR II – First Semester

†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
*REL 1210 Biblical Literature: Jewish History, Law, Prophets, and Writings - 3 cr.
** Electives - 6 cr.
Physical Science General Education - 3-4 cr.

YEAR II – Second Semester

†CGS 2100 Computer Information Technology and Literacy - 3 cr.
†IDS 2891 Connections - 1 cr.
†PHI 1600 Ethics - 3 cr.
*†REL 1240 Biblical Literature: The Life of Jesus, Origins of the Church, and Early Christian Writings - 3 cr.
**Humanities Electives - 3 cr.

**Select 12 credit hours from the following humanities courses if not previously taken:

†ARH 1000 Understanding Visual Art - 3 cr.
†DAN 2100 Introduction to Dance - 3 cr.
†HUM 2210 World Humanities: Prehistory to Early Modern Era - 3 cr.
†HUM 2230 World Humanities: Early Modern to Contemporary - 3 cr.
HUM 2410 Asian Humanities - 3 cr.
HUM 2420 African Humanities - 3 cr.
HUM 2461 Latin-American Humanities - 3 cr.
†LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature - 3 cr.
†MUL 1010 Introduction to Music - 3 cr.
†PHI 1010 Introduction to Philosophy - 3 cr.
PHI 1100 Elementary Logic - 3 cr.
REL 2183, Religious Ethics – 3 cr.
THE 1000 Introduction to Theatre Arts - 3 cr.

†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.

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