Dance AA Pathway Curriculum

Degree > Dance AA Pathway

This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.  It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.

AA.DAN (63 credit hours)

This pathway is for students who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in dance or further their dance training at the university level or pursue a dance career. Dance courses are rigorous and demanding but offer students opportunities for artistic explorations, creative thinking, and individual growth. The associate in arts pathway in dance provides a comprehensive sequence of technique, choreography, repertory, and analysis courses.

Attention all Visual and Performing Arts Students:
Due to the sequential nature of arts tracks, beginning your chosen track of electives in your first semester of study is imperative. Postponement of arts electives will result in additional time spent to complete the curriculum. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that students avoid taking electives outside their designated track in order to avoid potential financial aid or graduation issues.

YEAR I – First Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
*DAA 11XX OR DAA 21XX Modern Dance Technique (I-IV) 2
*DAA 12XX OR DAA 22XX Ballet Technique (I-IV) 2
DAA 1680L Dance Ensemble 1
DAN 1600C Music for Dance 2
†ENC 1101 English Composition I 3
MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking 3

YEAR I – Second Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
*DAA 11XX OR DAA 21XX Modern Dance Technique (I-IV) 2
*DAA 12XX OR DAA 22XX Ballet Technique (I-IV) 2
DAA 1680L Dance Ensemble 1
DAA 1610L Dance Composition 2
†ENC 1102 English Composition II 3
  Mathematics General Education 3

YEAR I – Third Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
  †Behavioral Science General Education CORE 3
†CGS 2100 Computer Information Technology and Literacy 3
†SPC 1608 Public Speaking 3
DAN 2100 Introduction to Dance 3
  Physical Science General Education 3-4

YEAR II – First Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
  *DAA 11XX OR DAA 21XX, Modern Dance Technique (I-IV) 2
  *DAA 12XX OR DAA 22XX, Ballet Technique (I-IV) 2
DAA 1680L Dance Ensemble 1
DAA 2611 Dance Improvisation 2
DAN 1750 Dance Conditioning 2
  Biological Science General Education 3-4
  Behavioral Science/History/Economics General Education 3

YEAR II – Second Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
†ARH 1000 Understanding Visual Art
†MUL 1010 Introduction to Music
THE 1000 Introduction to Theater Arts
  *DAA 11XX OR DAA 21XX, Modern Dance Technique (I-IV) - 2 cr. 2
  *DAA 12XX OR DAA 22XX, Ballet Technique (I-IV) 2
  **Dance Specified Elective 1
DAA 1680L Dance Ensemble 1
  †AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr. 3
IDS 2891 Connections 1

**Select 1 specified dance elective from the following:

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
DAA 1900 Dance Practicum 1
DAA 1931-9 Special Topics in Dance 1
DAA 2500L Jazz Dance 1

†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.

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