Female student closely studying a skull

Anthropology AA Pathway

  • BR
  • DM
    Dale Mabry
  • PC
    Plant City
  • SS
  • YC
    Ybor City
AA.ANT (60 Credit Hours) | Part of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Subject

The AA pathway in Anthropology is for students who want to pursue a bachelor's degree in anthropology or a related field. Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences.

Courses in this track may be applied toward your degree at the institution where you plan to transfer. Students are advised to consult an advisor or counselor for general education and recommended courses/electives for this pathway.

This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.  It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements.  Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.

AA.ANT (60 credit hours)

YEAR I – First Semester

†ENC 1101 English Composition I 3 - cr.

†ESC 1000 Earth Science - 3 cr.

†ESC 1000L Earth Science Laboratory - 1 cr.

EUH 2000 The Western World: Early Modern Europe - 3 cr.

†SLS 1106 First Year Experience Orientation - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Second Semester

*†ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology 3 - cr.

†ENC 1102 English Composition II - 3 cr.

†MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking - 3 cr.

†SPC 1608 Public Speaking - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Third Semester

†PHI 1010 Introduction to Philosophy - 3 cr.

†PSY 2012 General Psychology or †SYG 2000, Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.

†STA 2023 Elementary Statistics 3 - cr.

YEAR II – First Semester

*ANT 2511 Introduction to Biological Anthropology - 3 cr.

*ANT 2511L Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory - 1 cr.

†BSC 1092 Human Biology and BSC 1092L, Human Biology Laboratory or PCB 1730C,

  Human Reproduction and Inheritance - 3-4 cr.

†HUM 2210 World Humanities: Prehistory to Early Modern Era or †HUM 2230, World Humanities:

  Early Modern to Contemporary - 3 cr.

**Elective - 3 cr.

YEAR II – Second Semester

†CGS 2100 Computer Information Technology and Literacy 3 - cr.

ANT 2410 Cultural Anthropology 3 - cr.

†IDS 2891 Connections - 1 cr.

POS 1001 Introduction to Political Science - 3 cr.

**Electives - 6 cr.

**Select 9 credit hours from the following elective course options:

AFA 1001 Introduction to Black Culture 3 - cr.

†BSC 1005 Biological Foundations and 

  †BSC 1005L, Biological Foundations Laboratory - 4 cr.

†BSC 1025C Nutrition and Drugs - 3 cr.

†BSC 2085 Human Anatomy and Physiology and †BSC 2085L, Human Anatomy and

  Physiology Laboratory - 4 cr.

†CCJ 1010 Introduction to Criminology - 3 cr.

†CHM 1020C Chemistry and Society - 3 cr.

†EVR 1001C Introduction to Environmental Science - 3 cr.

†HUM 2230 World Humanities: Early Modern to Contemporary - 3 cr.

HUM 2410 Asian Humanities - 3 cr.

HUM 2420 African Humanities - 3 cr.

HUM 2461 Latin-American Humanities - 3 cr.

MAN 2604 Intercultural Relations in Business - 3 cr.

†MUL 1010 Introduction to Music - 3 cr.

†PHI 1010 Introduction to Philosophy - 3 cr.

†PHI 1600 Ethics - 3 cr.

†PSY 2012 General Psychology - 3 cr.

†REL 2300 Introduction to Religion - 3 cr.

SOP 1740 Feminine Psychology - 3 cr.

†SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.

†SYG 2012 Introduction to Globalization - 3 cr.

NOTE 1: The list is a guideline. The following courses may be applied toward your degree at the institution where you plan to transfer. Consult an advisor or counselor for general education and recommended courses/electives for this pathway.

NOTE 2: †IDS 2891, Connections is required for graduation.

NOTE 3: Common Course Prerequisites recommended by the State for successful transfer to the university are marked with an asterisk (*).

NOTE 4: The associate in arts degree may be awarded upon satisfactory completion of 60 credit hours. Students are advised to complete the below planned program in order to transfer into a similar program at senior institutions.

NOTE 5: SLS 1106 is required for all first-time-college-students. Please see an advisor for more information.

†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.

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