Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing Academy - PSAV 1,400 clock hours (13 months to complete)
The automotive collision technology technician PSAV program delivers state-of-the-art training to become a qualified technician in the auto body repair industry. Topics include estimating, automotive painting, nonstructural and structural repair, welding and cutting, plastic repair, refinishing, and mechanical and electrical repair. This program applies to industrial management AS degree.
Program Costs
The cost of the program covers tuition, lab fees, materials, tools, toolbox, uniform, books, an ASE test, and platinum level I-CAR tests.
ASE Certification
Prior to graduation, all students sit for one or more of the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification exams and two I-CAR exams. Graduation is not dependent upon passing these tests.
Certificate > AutoCAD Foundations CCC
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
CCC.ADCT.CAD (15 Credit Hours)
This certificate provides students with the AutoCAD skills needed to assist architects and construction engineers in planning, designing and detailing. Computer design techniques are emphasized in the certificate.
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
BCN 1250 Introduction to Graphic Technology - 3 cr.
†BCN 2272 Blueprint Reading - 3 cr.
*†TAR 2053 Introduction to Computer Design and Drafting - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Second Semester
†ARC 2461 Materials and Methods I - 3 cr.
*†TAR 2054 Intermediate Computer Aided Design and Drafting - 3 cr.
*May require additional coursework.
NOTE: Coursework may be applied to the two-year AS degree Architectural Design and Construction Technology program.