The opticianry AS degree prepares you to measure, fit and adapt eyeglasses and contact lenses. Gain clinical experience in our on-campus dispensary and affiliate sites, and learn basic ocular science. Graduates may take state and national licensure exams for opticians.
As an essential part of the “eye care delivery system,” opticians’ measure, fit and adapt eyeglasses and contact lenses to people with vision problems. Coursework covers basic ocular science including: optics, anatomy, contact lenses, and refractometry. It also allows the students to gain specific skills in professional management, eyewear fabrications, and dispensing. Clinical experience is gained in a state-of-the-art on-campus dispensary and at affiliate sites. Graduates of the program are eligible to take state and national certification and/or licensure exams for opticians. Campus based or Internet based programs available. The Opticianry Program is accredited by the Commission on Opticianry Accreditation, 229 East 85th Street #194 New York NY, 10028.
This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate. It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.
Program Required Courses
YEAR I – First Semester
†OPT 1000 Ophthalmic Orientation 1 cr.
†OPT 1155 Ophthalmic Lens I - 3 cr.
†OPT 1460 Ophthalmic Dispensing I - 3 cr.
*†OPT 1460L Ophthalmic Dispensing I Laboratory - 3 cr.
†OPT 2204 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Second Semester
†OPT 1156 Ophthalmic Lens II - 3 cr.
*†OPT 1400L Ophthalmic Laboratory I - 3 cr.
†OPT 2500 Contact Lens Theory I - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2500L Contact Lens Theory I Laboratory - 3 cr.
*†OPT 2800L Vision Care Clinical I - 2 cr.
MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking - 3 cr.
YEAR I – Third Semester
†OPT 2461 Ophthalmic Dispensing II - 3 cr.
*†OPT 2801L Vision Care Clinical II - 2 cr.
Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
YEAR II – First Semester
†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
*†OPT 1430L Ophthalmic Laboratory II - 3 cr.
†OPT 2375 Refractometry - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2461L Ophthalmic Dispensing Laboratory II - 3 cr.
†OPT 2501 Contact Lens Theory II - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2802L Vision Care Clinical III - 2 cr.
YEAR II – Second Semester
*†OPT 2375L Refractometry Laboratory - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2463L Ophthalmic Skills Laboratory I - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2501L Contact Lens II Laboratory - 2 cr.
*†OPT 2803L Vision Care Clinical IV - 2 cr.
OPT 2910 Directed Research - 3 cr.
Natural Science General Education CORE – 3 cr.
YEAR II – Third Semester
†OPT 2030 Ophthalmic Board Review - 1 cr.
*†OPT 2376L Refractometry II Laboratory - 1 cr.
*†OPT 2502L Contact Lens III Laboratory - 1 cr.
†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term. *Courses symbolized by a (*) are laboratory or clinic classes. There courses may be taken on campus or online. If taken online, students will have a licensed Optician or Optometrist as a mentor.