Applying to the Fire Academy

Fire Academy Application

The Fire Academy application must be completed and submitted in paper format.
  Online submissions cannot be accepted.  Please complete the online form, print it and submit it with the required documents via U.S. Mail to:

Yvonne Arline

Ybor City Campus

2112 15th Street

Tampa, FL 33605-5096

Pay particular attention to completing the residency portion of the application. Forms submitted without the residency portion completed will be enrolled as out of state students resulting in significantly higher tuition cost for the applicant.

After you have submitted your application, Yvonne Arline will process your paperwork and schedule you for the Physical Abilities Test. Next, your application will be submitted to Admissions and Records. If you are missing any of the required documents she will return the application to you with a letter stating why it was returned.

Once your file is complete it will be sent to the Fire Academy Coordinator. Your file will be date-stamped and your name is placed on the waiting list based on the date it was received in our office. You will receive a letter confirming your application and scheduling you for the Physical Abilities Test (PAT). If possible, the letter will include which Academy you will be placed in.

Confirming Your Acceptance

We begin seating academies approximately eight (8) weeks before each academy begins. Academy placement is based on the waiting list. Accepted applicants receive a letter offering them a seat and a reservation email address to confirm acceptance. The reservation e-mail must be received by the deadline date (phone calls will not be accepted).

If you fail to accept the reservation by the deadline date, the seat will be offered to the next applicant on the list, and your application will be marked inactive. The seating process moves quickly, so it is imperative that we have current contact information for all students.


Once your reservation is received in our office we will e-mail you a confirmation letter stating that you officially have a seat and we will then advise you about the date, time and place for orientation.

Please note that orientation is mandatory and that the rules governing orientation are strictly enforced. We advise you to arrive well before the scheduled time as once orientation begins, the doors will be closed and no latecomers will be admitted

At orientation, you will receive your packet of state paperwork and registration forms as well as all the information you will need to begin the class.

Proof of High School Graduation

Please understand that the paperwork the state requires is above and beyond what you have submitted to HCC for admission. You will need to supply the state with a copy of your high school diploma (it does not have to be a transcript), a copy of your driver license or birth certificate. We cannot go back through your HCC file and make copies for you to submit to the state, this is your responsibility. This will be explained in detail at Orientation.