Fire Academy FAQ

Q:  I’ve taken classes at HCC before.  Do I still need to fill out the HCC application? 

A:  Yes, this allows placement into the proper program. 

Q:   Since I have taken classes at HCC before, do I still have to supply official transcripts? 

A:   Not all HCC programs require students to submit official transcripts.  If you are sure that you submitted one then Ms. Yvonne Arline can look it up to verify that HCC has it. If you are not sure if you have one on file then we suggest you request one now and submit it with your paperwork (it will expedite the processing and ultimately expedite your name being placed on the waiting list).   

Q:   I have all my paperwork completed but I’m waiting on my official transcripts to arrive, can I send my packet in now and then forward the transcripts when I receive them? 

A:   No.  This will greatly delay (or possibly stall) the processing of your application.  It would be in your best interest to wait for the transcripts to arrive and then submit a complete application packet. 

Q:   Do I have to be an EMT to enroll in the Fire Academy? 

A:    Yes. Effective October 1, 2009, all applicants will be required to show proof of successful completion of an EMT or Paramedic course.

Q:    Can I submit my application for the Fire Academy if I am currently attending EMT/Paramedic class? 

A:     Yes, by doing so, you have a better chance of securing a seat in the class of your preference.

Q:   Can I turn my packet into the Dale Mabry, Brandon or Plant City campuses? 

A:   Please do not!  Historically packets have gotten lost when turned into the other campuses. All materials for the Fire Academy must go through the Ybor City campus only.  The Fire Academy is a limited-access program and the other campuses may not be familiar with the rules and regulations governing it. 

Q:   What is the cost of the class? 

A:   At this time the total cost is approximately $3,800 to $4,400 for resident students.. This includes tuition ($2944.82), books ($233.00), Application Fees ($80.00), & required equipment ($900.00). (All figures are approximate)  Note: Tuition for out of state students is substantially more expensive than that of resident students.

Q:   I have degrees from other colleges. Do I have to submit those transcripts? 

A:   Yes. All transcripts must be submitted.  

Q:   My college transcripts show my high school completion.  Do I still have to submit an official high school transcript? 

A:   Yes.

Q:   I am moving to Florida from another state. What will the tuition be? 

A:   Out of state tuition is 2 1/2 to 3 times higher than in-state tuition. 

Q:   How does HCC determine residency? 

A:   Out of state tuition will be charged to any student who has resided in Florida for less than one year prior to registering for class. Residency is established when you obtain a Florida driver license, sign a lease, buy a house, and have lived in Florida greater than 12 months. 

Q:   I’ve been told that I can come to Orientation and stand outside just in case someone doesn’t show up , then I can have their seat.  Is this true? 

A:   No.  Classes are seated strictly from the waiting list

Q:   What equipment will I need?  Where can I buy it? 

A:   Equipment needs will be covered at Orientation. Applicants are advised against obtaining equipment prior to orientation so that the correct items may be secured.

Q:   When can I expect a seat in the Fire Academy? 

A:   We will try to give you an idea of when you can expect placement when we notify you that your file has been received.   As soon as we know definitely when you will be offered a seat we will contact you.  

Q:   What can I do to move up on the waiting list? 

A:   The classes are seated on a first-come, first-served basis. As a matter of fairness to all, this policy is strictly enforced.

Q:   Can I call periodically and check on my status? 

A:   Because of the dynamics of the list we are unable to provide status updates.  We will advise you when your complete application is received and you are placed on the waiting list with a projected class start date. After that, no further communication will be issued until you are selected for a class and advised to report for orientation.