Bus Transit Technician PSAV

  • CTC
    Ybor City Campus Training Center
VOC.TRANS.TECH ( 1920 Clock Hours) | Part of the Transportation Subject

This program prepares students for employment as transit technicians, trains existing employees to become FTMC-certified transit technicians and prepares existing technicians for the ASE series of Transit Bus tests.

The content includes but is not limited to the following:

  • maintaining and repairing diesel engines
  • performing diesel engine and bus preventive maintenance (PMI) inspections
  • maintaining and repairing ADA accessible lifts and ramps
  • maintaining and repairing basic electrical systems
  • maintaining, and repairing steering and suspension systems.

Levels of Certification

There are three levels of certification in the program, which allows graduates to begin employment or to remain in the program for advanced training.

  • Bus Transit Technician I (620 clock hours)
  • Bus Transit Technician II (620 clock hours)
  • Bus Transit Technician III (680 clock hours)


Curriculum for the Bus Transit Technician

This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.  It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements.  Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.

Bus Transit Technician I


DIM 0810 Transit Equipment Preventive Maintenance 200 Clock Hr. (6.7 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0811 Transit Basic Electrical Systems 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0812 Transit Wheelchair Lift/Ramp 60 Clock Hr (2.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0813 Transit Diesel Engine Preventative Maintenance 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0814 Transit Steering and Suspension 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

Bus Transit Technician II


DIM 0820 Transit Hydraulics 60 Clock Hr. (2.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0821 Transit Diesel Electrical and Diesel Engine Electronics 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0822 Transit Drive Train 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0823 Transit Intermediate Electrical Systems 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0824 Transit Brakes/Air System 200 Clock Hr. (6.7 Voc. Hr.)

Bus Transit Technician III


DIM 0830 Transit Alternative Fuels Systems 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0831 Transit Advanced Electrical Systems 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0832 Transit Heating and A/C 200 Clock Hr. (6.7 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0833 Transmission Diagnosis, Rebuild and Repair 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

DIM 0834 Diesel Engine Diagnosis 120 Clock Hr. (4.0 Voc. Hr.)

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