FUSE Admission and Requirements

FUSE Admission

HCC Applicants: 

  • Indicate your FUSE interest on your HCC Application.

Current HCC Students:

  • Contact an HCC Advisor to discuss if you meet the FUSE requirements. 

FUSE Requirements

FUSE is a limited-access program that has specific requirements for admission. New HCC students interested in FUSE should follow these additional steps and guidelines:

  • Enroll in an AA or AS degree program and plan to transfer to USF in one of the selected majors.

  • You must have the ability to complete the program within 3 years, and you must be academically ready to enroll in the courses that are listed in your selected FUSE pathway. 

  • You must have no more than 30 credits of college-level coursework already completed. At least 15 of the earned credit hours must be courses included in your specified track. For Biomedical, all credit hours previously earned must be included in the track. (Credits earned while in high school through dual enrollment or AP testing do apply to this 30-credit-hour rule.)

  • You must have a minimum 2.0 gpa.

  • You must meet the minimum test scores on a college placement test listed below.

Subject ACT PERT Old SAT

Prior to March 2016

March 2016 or later
Digital SAT
Reading 19 106 440 24 490
English 17 103

n/a n/a 490

(College level

is MAT 1033)
19 114 440 24 480

Please submit your SAT, ACT or PERT scores and AP scores (if you have credits), or visit a campus Test Center to take the PERT Placement Test.

Mail documents to:

Hillsborough Community College

Transcripts Office

1602 N. 15th St.

Tampa, FL 33605

You may also email unofficial test scores to admissions@hccfl.edu.