Male student photographing a mock crime scene while another student takes notes

Criminology AA Pathway

  • YC
    Ybor City
AA.CRIM (60 Credit Hours) | Part of the Law, Public Safety & Security Subject

The criminology AA pathway degree is ideal for students who want to pursue Bachelor's degrees in law, criminal justice or sociology. Criminology is a broad career choice that encompasses the fields of law enforcement, criminal justice, sociology, psychology and forensics.

This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.  It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.

AA.CRIM (60 credit hours)

YEAR I – First Semester

†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
†SLS 1106 First Year Experience Orientation - 3 cr.
†PSY 2012 General Psychology or †SYG 2000, Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.
STA 2023, Elementary Statistics - 3 cr.
Humanities CORE General Education - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Second Semester

†ENC 1102 English Composition II - 3 cr.
†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
Biological Science General Education - 3-4 cr.
Humanities General Education - 3 cr.
Mathematics General Education - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Third Semester

†SPC 1608 Public Speaking - 3 cr.
Behavioral Science/History/Economics General Education - 3 cr.

YEAR II – First Semester

†CCJ 1010 Introduction to Criminology or †CCJ 1020, Introduction to Criminal Justice - 3 cr.
Physical Science General Education - 3-4 cr.
Elective - 3 cr.
Elective 3 - cr.
Elective - 3 cr.

YEAR II – Second Semester

†IDS 2891 Connections - 1 cr.
†CGS 2100, Computer Information Technology and Literacy - 3 cr.
Elective - 3 cr.
Elective - 3 cr.
Elective - 3 cr.

Suggested Electives:

Any HCC Criminology or Criminal Justice course with a CCJ, CJC, CJE, CJJ, or CJL prefix. See HCC Catalog.

†CCJ 1488 Ethics in Criminal Justice - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2013 Introduction to Victimology - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2111 Introduction to Theories of Criminal Behavior - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2600 Criminal Deviant Behavior in Society - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2610 Introduction to Criminal Typologies - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2618 Forensic Psychology - 3 cr.
†CCJ 2720 Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods - 3 cr.
†CJE 1000 Introduction to Law Enforcement - 3 cr.
†CJL 1062 Constitutional Law - 3 cr.
†CJL 1100 Criminal Law - 3 cr.
†CJL 1500 Introduction to the Court System - 3 cr.
†CJL 2130 Criminal Evidence and Procedure - 3 cr.

†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.

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